Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Step one: Planting

In order for production of coffee to begin and keep circulating, there is always going to be a constant state of planting coffee trees.
The first step of producing large amounts of coffee is the most important part: planting.
A coffee bean is a seed. So when you put it in the soil and keep it hydrated and shaded, it'll grow into a tree that will eventually bear fruit fit for businessmen and power-hungry females.
Coffee seeds are planted in large beds that are usually in shaded nurseries. Once the plants sprout, the little seeds are taken out of the ground and placed in individual pots where they can grow into more mature plants. Once the plants get bigger, they're moved once again into a permanent place in the ground near other fellow trees. The plants have to be well-shaded and watered daily!
The planting of coffee trees almost always takes place during the wet season. The soil needs to remain moist while the surrounding trees can establish their roots firmly!

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