Monday, March 26, 2012

For Cinnamon Lovers Only

The yummiest mixed coffee drink can be concocted from the ingredients in your kitchen. That sounds really cheesy and sounds like I'm in a commercial, but I'm definitely serious!
All it takes is freshly brewed coffee, cream (half & half, whipping cream, whole milk, etc), brown sugar, and cinnamon.
After my lunch date with my sister I decided to have another cup of coffee, regardless of the time in the afternoon. I decided to add some cinnamon to my coffee. It had been a while since I put cinnamon in it, and I was very pleased with the outcome!
What you have to do FIRST though, is put the brown sugar and cinnamon in your cup BEFORE putting in the cream and coffee. This allows the cinnamon to be evenly distributed among the hot coffee and sugar. Otherwise all of the added cinnamon won't mix as well if you put it into the poured coffee.
There's my advice for the day. May your next cup of coffee be delicious!

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