Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Day that was Spent.

I started my day with a cup of coffee. This wasn't the most satisfying cup of boldness that I've concocted. It was leftover brew from yesterday morning, and had been left to seep in its lonely titanium pot. I heated up the coffee for over a minute, added brown sugar, then the half and half. Unfortunately I was in a rush to get to school and gather with my choir, so it turned out to taste like an overly creamed cup of coffee that was less than satisfying. The worst part about that was the fact that I didn't even have enough courage to make more coffee when I got home.
I've been doing homework and other blogging things for a while at a common coffee shop called The Beanery. They sell Allann Brother's coffee, which is one of my top five favorite brands of coffee, so it's only obvious that I come here every once in a while. I had an iced chai tea when I got here. An iced chai tea. I felt too pressured when I got to the counter because no one was in line and the cashier was just standing there. I saw the first appealing thing that wouldn't keep me up for the rest of the night. I just want coffee.
I will make the greatest pot of coffee tomorrow morning. And then blog about it.

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