Friday, March 9, 2012

Good Morning To All!

It is 7:30 and calm this morning.
I got up and made myself a great pot of coffee, just like a said I would!
Tulley's truly is the best brand of coffee to have black. We're out of half and half so I was obligated to drink it plain...with some brown sugar of course, but not too much.
I looked on the bag of coffee while it was being brewed, and it said that it was 100% arabica. I guess that's why it's very tasty plain. Like I posted earlier, arabica blends are more savory than robusta blends. Robusta blends are much more strong and hold a high amount of caffeine, whereas arabica just tastes better.
Time to get ready for school and work my butt off for the rest of the day.
May you all drink great coffee this morning wherever you are!

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