Sunday, March 18, 2012

I Dream of Coffee with a Side of Solitude

I like to sit alone. It has nothing to do with being introverted or shy, I just like spending time alone. I'm a very extroverted person, in fact. That doesn't mean I won't have introverted qualities.
My favorite thing to do is just hang out, read, watch films, and listen to music with a cup of coffee accompanying me. I don't think I ever have a down moment without coffee. It's kind of sad, but at the same time it's quite comforting. Coffee eases me. I don't get highly interactive after having caffeine unless I'm doing something and I'm around people. If I'm by myself doing homework, I actually become relaxed from the caffeine; plus the warmth that's sitting in my belly.
As of now I'm sitting in The Beanery working on my online homework while my two great friends are quizzing each other on vocabulary. Sometimes I like to think that we're really cool. But most of the time I find that we're just as normal as everyone else in this town.

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