Wednesday, March 7, 2012


My name is Heidi.
I'm going to get right to the point here. I've decided to create this coffee blog in order to create a space where people can come to to gain knowledge of the most common substance that gives teenagers the jitters and adults a warm satisfactory morning. As well as giving my honest opinions and facts about coffee, I will also learn more about it.
I'm eighteen and about to graduate from high school. And I'm obsessed with coffee.
There's never a day when I don't have at least one cup. It's not that I drink too much coffee that makes me interested in it, I'm a snob about it. There are certain brands and tastes of coffee that I do and do not like.
I love black coffee.
I love coffee with cream.
I love coffee with sugar.
I love coffee with cream and sugar.
I love lattes.
I love espresso.
I love mocha's.
Needless to say, I'm open to anything with coffee, as long as I can still taste the rich boldness of the ground up beans.
Ask me questions if you'd like! If you want to know something about coffee, let me know.
As of now, I will start posting a few facts and a brief history of coffee while I savor mine.

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