Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A day without coffee.

When I don't drink a cup of coffee in the morning, I feel groggy and unmotivated. Coffee is a holder of caffeine and boosts energy, so when I don't have it like I do every morning, I'm more groggy than usual. I guess you could say that I have an unhealthy dependency on caffeine, but realistically all I want in the morning is a cup of coffee. I don't care if it's caffeinated or not, I still need a cup of boldness to get me through my day.
When I drink my coffee, it puts my mind in another, more peaceful, place. I get to sit down on the couch or in my bed, listen to some morning blues and jazz, and savor my hot coffee. I become relaxed and eventually gain enough motivation to go to school and be around crowds of boisterous teens.
My older sisters are two of the most important people in my life. As I mentioned before, I used to make their coffee for them. I never got annoyed with making it for them though. Giving them their coffee helped me gain self-gratitude and their approval as their baby sister. This is how I bond with them now. My oldest sister, Eryn, lives in New Orleans so I never get to see her, but my other older sister, Lisa, lives here. This always gives me an excuse to call her up and ask her if she wants to catch up on life and other things that aren't as important, like work. Considering we work at the same restaurant, it's easy to strike a conversation with her. We can talk about anything, whether we're working the same shift or conversing over a cup of fresh coffee.
Coffee is a bonding drink! I go to coffee shops quite often with my best friend to just hang out and be lazy. We talk about school and work over lattes and don't care what's going on around us.
The thing I love most about coffee is it's versatility. It can be taken black, mixed with different flavors and creams, iced, blended, strong, or weak.
It just goes to show how beautiful one thing can be. Coffee seedlings can create something so powerful and rich that helps us bond with our friends and family every day. I think we all take coffee for granted. The work that goes into harvesting and processing coffee brings us closer to people and we never think about it.
All I can say now is how grateful I am for coffee and its vast varieties.

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