Saturday, June 16, 2012

Cultured Coffee!

On the drive to the airport, the family and I drove through a Coffee Culture. I've been to this place many times, but this time I had a pretty good blended drink. I've said before that I enjoy stronger blended drinks, and this round through I got a sixteen ounce white mocha freeze with an extra shot. Normally their blended drinks are much sweeter and more for the young teenagers who don't know the beauty of coffee yet. I don't know, this was really good. Usually they're not as strong, even with an extra shot, but this time was exceptionally awesome. I like the strong TWANG of espresso that blended drinks have. If a blended drink doesn't have that TWANG, then it's either too boring and flat or too sweet and syrupy.
Now to use the bathroom before getting on the plane!
Turns out I'm able to bring my computer. Yay me!

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