Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Coffee Shop Rules:

When you first step into a coffee shop, get out of the way of the door. This way, families and crotchety senior citizens won’t hit you with their diaper bags and become irritated as you try to maneuver away from the door. Sometimes you’ll end up bumping into a child or someone’s granny who uses a rickety walker. Confrontation should always be avoided, so express your sincerest apology, reach out a hand as if to touch their arm that you bumped, and twirl in awkward circles until a safe spot is noticeable.
Usually when you maneuver away from the door, you’ll end up blocking someone who needs cream and sugar for their coffee at the prep station that’s covered in napkins, sugar, cream, and an assortment of utensils. When this happens, the stranger you’re blocking will stand dormant next to the counter with a half-smile until you move out of their peripherals. You apologize, make a high-pitched voice, and mention how much of a traffic blocker you are today with a cheesy smile that lengthens the horizon of your face.
When you move away from the coffee prep station, be sure to slide into the line in front of the front register. This way, you can stare blankly at the giant menu and still be undecided when you reach the barista. It’s highly likely that you will bump into a stranger without teeth who smells like aged cigarettes and will try talking you into buying him (or her) a scone.
This doesn’t actually happen often, so don’t worry. When it does, politely say that you only have the money for a coffee and apologize in a high-pitched voice. Then you buy the most expensive thing on the menu that gets rid of your money. Therefore, buying a scone for the stranger who smells like aged cigarettes is unnecessary.
After ordering a very complicated – yet delicious – drink, find yourself a booth to take up by yourself and put your feet up in disrespect. You have earned a high-five and expensive coffee to reward yourself in conquering the coffee shop rules.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Just a Kick!

To start off my day today at the New York, New York hotel and casino in Las Vegas, I went down to the third floor where there are at least three Starbuck's. I thought, since it was boiling outside, to grab a tall, double-shot caramel macchiato. For just twelve ounces, it gave me juice for the rest of my day!
That's what I've had for the day, I hope you've had something equally as great!

The Perks of Being a Night Owl.

I like to stay up late. Mostly because that's when I have the most energy and all. But when I want to go to sleep, that's always the time I want more coffee. So sometimes I'll have a cup or two, then I won't get to bed until way past the time I was due; when I'm really exhausted. Sometimes being an off-scheduled sleeper isn't always the best. . .

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I was at this quaint cafe this evening with my family having dinner and I must say, the food was incredible! But that's not what this post is about. Since I was pretty full, I decided to order some sort of coffee. I like having straight coffee (with either cream or sugar) mostly in the morning to sharpen my mind a little bit and to wake me up, so I decided to go with a cappuccino with a shot of vanilla flavor. I must say, I was pleased! Most cappuccino's I've had have been too milky, but I don't have them on a regular basis so what am I to say? Anyways, it was so good. It wasn't too sweet and I could taste the espresso! It even had some coffee grounds at the bottom! When I see coffee grounds at the bottom of the mug, I'm always pleased because usually that means they've made it strong enough. I don't know what kind of espresso they used, but it was so delicious.
The reason I like to drink coffee on a full stomach is to help my food settle a bit faster. It may be different for everybody, but coffee runs through me like no other. After the first cup in the morning, I always have to go! It acts as a very light laxative for a lot of people, which is great if it's common for you to be constipated.
Cheers to coffee: a natural laxative!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Coffee, Vacation, Stress

I've been traveling with my family these past few days in the southwestern states, visiting parks and trying to endure the immense dry heat. I haven't had too much coffee though! This is strange because I usually drink two pots to get through the day so I don't bite anyone's head off. The coffee that I have had hasn't been very good. I can settle, sure. But it doesn't mean I like it. Hotel coffee is just not my thing. I try to enjoy it, but it's just too watery for me! For some tourists I'm sure it may be delicious. However, those people settle for anything as long as it goes into their stomachs and they don't have to pay for it.
Being on this trip so far has been kind of stressful. I'm in the middle of finding jobs and an apartment with my best friend, so this week off is not what I need to finish this process. Anyways, back to my point.
When I'm around hundreds of people every day, I quickly lose my patience and become irritable. I don't even know these people! The fact that they're so greedy and arrogant makes me feel bad for them and good about myself.
What I want to get across is how the irritation can dissipate between numerous cups of coffee and maybe a couple cigarettes while listening to a calming Pandora station.
This rant really doesn't have a whole lot to do with coffee, but I've been needing to get this out onto a document so I don't forget about it, you know?
I hope your summer's going great so far! Make iced coffee with cinnamon, honey, and cream. Just a tip.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Cultured Coffee!

On the drive to the airport, the family and I drove through a Coffee Culture. I've been to this place many times, but this time I had a pretty good blended drink. I've said before that I enjoy stronger blended drinks, and this round through I got a sixteen ounce white mocha freeze with an extra shot. Normally their blended drinks are much sweeter and more for the young teenagers who don't know the beauty of coffee yet. I don't know, this was really good. Usually they're not as strong, even with an extra shot, but this time was exceptionally awesome. I like the strong TWANG of espresso that blended drinks have. If a blended drink doesn't have that TWANG, then it's either too boring and flat or too sweet and syrupy.
Now to use the bathroom before getting on the plane!
Turns out I'm able to bring my computer. Yay me!

Out of Sight, Out of Mind.

Today I leave for a family vacation. I'm hoping I can take my computer with me so I can tell my empty blog about the coffees I try throughout the trip. I'm headed to Vegas today, then to Colorado, Utah, and Arizona over the next week. We're flying in then driving around, so this is going to call for some major coffee intake to keep my energy up.
Spending a week driving around in the desert with the family is going to be quite an adventure. So, here's a picture of me by the end of the week.
Only because coffee and family turns you into a war veteran.
If I'm not able to be accompanied by my computer this week of travels, may you discover new and bold coffees!